We often take our voice for granted, but when voice disorders develop they can have a devastating effect on our ability to communicate with friends and family. Mild voice disorders can be an annoying problem, but may also be an early sign of a more significant health problem.
The Voice Center at Eastern Virginia Medical School has been organized to diagnose and treat a wide variety of voice disorders that affect both voice professionals and the general public. The Voice Center also treats patients with swallowing problems. Many ailments that affect the voice can also cause difficulty with swallowing. Voice and swallowing disorders can include:
- Professional voice disorders
- Neurolaryngeal disorders including Parkinson’s Disease and Spasmodic Dysphonia
- Acute and chronic hoarseness
- Swallowing disorders
- Airway strictures and long term tracheostomy complications
- Pediatric voice and airway disorders
- The aging voice
- Swallowing complaints in the elderly
Treatment for voice disorders varies widely, depending on the diagnosis. Many disorders can be treated with voice therapy alone; others may require medications or even surgery. Voice disorders also may be the first sign of a generalized disease or illness. All of the options are available through the Voice Center. Diagnostic tools at the Voice and Swallowing Center Include:
- Stroboscopic light sources and high optical quality fiber optic scopes are used to view the vocal folds in motion
- Computerized voice analysis systems to better understand voice disorders
- Videofluoroscopic examinations of swallowing
- Electromyographic studies of the larynx